Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Final Logo (but probably not finished)

Decided to clip the "M" with some type of paint or watercolor for subtle textures that would give the letter a painterly essence.  I worked with paint, watercolor (got it everywhere) but just didn't like the look it gave when I clipped it. Since I had decided on the color pallet with a brilliant red coloring, I thought of using the ammonite fossil that is a favorite exhibit of the museum.  The fossil is the most brilliant golden, red color and I thought it would make the "M" feel alive.  It gives the red a veining and touch of golden color. I really like the color pallet - I used charcoal, ivory, brownish gray and a pop of strong red.  I then used grayscale with the black and white logo to add some interest.But I'm still not quite satisfied with the logo - I feel like it will be tweaked before I'm through.

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