Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Down to 3 sketches

Love the simplicity and curves of the "M" (used script from Bickham Script and old world text of Baskerville Old Face from the 1700's). The class liked this one the most and I want to continue playing with it to see if I can add an "Intimate" feeling without losing the sophistication.  The museum is definitely changing the name from Madison Museum.  If they keep a name starting with an "M" this would still work.  If not, I would be able to incorporate another letter I believe. I am working with this logo for the next class. 

I wanted to show one logo with a piece of artwork integrated into the name.  Since I know the museum is changing the name from Madison, I would have to rework the sculpture into another letter.  I liked this representation because one of the popular pieces from the permanent collection (and represented on the home page of the website) is a vase by Marguerite Wildenhain (1st of only 7 ceramic students at Bauhaus and the 1st woman) on solid black platform.  Class said it looked out of scale and I am worried that the vase would not scale to a smaller version and still be recognizable.

I like the cathedral outer shape of this logo - suggesting the spiritual aspects of the museum.  I love the concept of a doorway (the director liked the idea of journey or path).  I think an open door fits nicely into that idea.  However, this door looks like Cinderella would come through it.  One aspect I do like about this concept is that it could translate into a gate and be used for the Medieval Mary Garden.  I'm working on the door's shape and overall look for next class since I really like the concept.  One of my favorite sayings is to follow your bliss and doors will open.  I love doorways.

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