Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Inspirational Museum Facility Rental Brochures

Kemper Museum - very playful and fun.  The cover page has the tagline "Your Event is our Masterpiece".  Love that.  I love the "story" of this brochure.  The first page has a testimonial from a 40 year old woman celebrating her milestone birthday.  It has the caption "Create Your Own Story - Because I'm a Work of Art in Progress, the Kemper Museum was the perfect place to celebrate my milestone birthday".
Other quotes - For Business - Warhol said, "Good business is the Best Art".
For Wedding - "Art is Forever - Like Us"
Last page has an ad for "ARTINI NIGHT"  - how fun is that?

Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum - very elegant brochure.  The photographs are gorgeous.  The colors and lighting help to give it that magical feeling.  The charcoal brown rectangle throughout the brochure helps to give an elegant, consistant feel to the brochure.  The front and back are connected through the use of the soft green color.  Love that pattern on the back. Notice the use of typeface throughout. The logo is very tribal, nature-museum looking but they only use it on the back.

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