1. What do you offer? works of art from the masters; art education in a setting that is intimate and beautiful; demonstation of how visual art history can inform and enrich contemporary life in a way that inspires life-long learning; special event location; memorable journey
2, What are the core values of what you offer? buzzwords: World-class, classic, intimate, educational, sophisticated and spiritual / both director and board secretary heard my adjectives and didn't change anything (but the board secretary thought that world-class might sound a little arrogant - looking to find a way to soften it) / founded on Christian values but value all faiths
3. What is your mission? to collect, preserve, interpret and imaginitively display original, visual art by internationally renowned art masters, in a lively, intimate, pedestrian-friendly atmosphere for the education, edification, and spiritual nourishment of all persons living and traveling in Georgia
4. Any specializations within your company? art history knowledge and education in an intimate setting / connecting with student and educational community
5. Target audience market? everyone living and traveling in Georgia (a bit broad), all students,
90% Contributor demographic: older individuals, settled-in, in a stable career or moving toward retirement, master's degree or experience, upper management, interested in giving back to the community / wealthy community in Morgan County
2006 Demographics for Morgan County (Madison)
Households 6,658
Average Income $62,842
Median Income $47,229
Male 48.59%
Female 50.70%
White 65.46 %
Black 31.65 %
Asian 0.40 %
Other 2.49 %
Hispanic (% of above) 1.94 %
Occupation / County / Draw Area / Total
Draw Area = Green, Jasper, Morgan, Newton, Oconee, Putnam & Walton Counties
Professional, Technical, Managerial / 37 / 904 / 941
Clerical and Sales / 58 / 1,309 / 1,367
Service / 26 / 692 / 718
Agricultural, Forestry, Fishing, etc. / 0 / 56 / 56
Processing / 17 / 153 / 170
Machine Trades / 31 / 418 / 449
Benchwork / 11 / 221 / 232
Structural Work / 25 / 556 / 581
Miscellaneous Occupations / 91 / 1,270 / 1,361
Total / 296 / 5,579 / 5,875
This focus on the future has resulted in a four year graduation rate of 85%, one of the highest in the State.
Total enrollment for 2006-2007 is 3342 students with an average student teacher ratio of 14:1.
Industry Sector / Firms / Employment / % Emp. / Weekly Wage
Management: Companies/Enterprises / 22 / 433 / 0.61 / 1,462
Utilities / 17 / 879 / 1.23 / 1,120
Mining / 7 / 70 / 0.1 / 1,038
Wholesale Trade / 321 / 2,314 / 3.25 / 780
Finance And Insurance / 299 / 1,966 / 2.76 / 779
Manufacturing / 298 / 11,998 / 16.84 / 763
Professional, Scientific/Tech Svcs / 478 / 1,854 / 2.6 / 753
Transportation And Warehousing / 208 / 1,675 / 2.35 / 701
Construction / 1,181 / 7,105 / 9.97 / 678
Information / 72 / 774 / 1.09 / 654
Educational Services / 113 / 8,407 / 11.8 / 631
Public Administration / 133 / 4,192 / 5.88 / 594
Real Estate And Rental And Leasing / 286 / 816 / 1.15 / 590
Health Care And Social Services / 416 / 6,529 / 9.16 / 577
Agriculture, Forestry, & Fishing / 94 / 818 / 1.15 / 523
Other Services (Except Government) / 427 / 1,506 / 2.11 / 446
Retail Trade / 751 / 10,182 / 14.29 / 434
Administrative And Waste Svcs / 347 / 3,122 / 4.38 / 421
Arts, Entertainment And Recreation / 64 / 645 / 0.91 / 290
Accommodation And Food Services / 337 / 5,975 / 8.38 / 250
Total / 5,962 / 71,346 / 598
6. Existing tagline or slogan? "bringing art history to life" (implies all 5 senses, interaction, ) Motto - A sublime walk into the history of art and beauty" other images: Jewelry box, significant art, journey/path, European boutique, intimate and not stuffy,
From the answers you've gathered so far, what is a personality/character that could represent you? (celebrity, car, etc.)

1953 Bugatti: classic, sporty, fun, appealing to broad audience
Charlton Heston: classic, well-loved, spiritual (Moses) / I'm thinking George Clooney
What qualities about this character stand out? Is the personality innovative, creative, energetic, or sophisticated? Classic, sophisticated, quality, excellence
How does this personality interact with your target audience? Which qualities get the attention of your audience? matches qualities to contributors but not necessarily to target audience which is students
Challenge: "We're the new kid (beside the Madison-Morgan cultural center and the Steffen Thomas museum) Most people in the community don't distinguish from one another, if they have given to one they don't see a need to give to another, they are lumped together although they are very different
"This means that we have a very shallow pool (puddle) to pull from in the communities" Looking to seek more opportunities with grants where branding can really help
Attractive, well-endowed, treasure-filled museum and garden seeks open-minded, nature-loving, fun-seeking adventurers for time and space-travel, color infusion, eye-opening art education partnership. Must be prepared to stimulate all senses, enjoy cozy, intimate settings, learn from the fine art masters and be tolerant of slow moving artifacts. Ability to see with the wonder of a child a plus. Stuffy critics and art snobs need not apply.
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