Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Branding Assignment Pick a Company

JANUARY 14, 2010

We will be working over the entire semester to brand/rebrand a company - from black and white logo to stationary, business cards, print advertizement, mailer, and specialty item.  The first step is to research and pick a company that you will use throughout the semester as your inspiration for the project. 

I wanted to pick a company that is local so that I can talk to them and gain insight by visiting and building a relationship. Yesterday I drove around Conyers looking for places that inspired me and that I felt would most need and be open to my help. Here are the several I considered.

This is a quaint coffeeshop in Old Town Conyers.  I passed it and from the outside it was originally someone's home, then became someone's office, now it's a coffeehouse.  I have never been inside but think it would be cozy and intimate from the outside.  I love the atmosphere of a cozy coffeeshop and think this would be an interesting choice.  It's just starting in the community and has no website.

This is a local salon I frequented several years ago.  I haven't been in a while. It was a very lively place where all the stylist were extremely friendly and helpful.  I always felt like I was at home with girlfriends.  From the outside the windows are blacked out and all you can see is the Capelli sign in purple neon.  I'm just not sure if they are a franchize or would be independently owned.  They have no website.

This is my vet's office and I have gone there for years.  They first made an impression on my when I had an emergency one weekend and the vet came in to help.  I lost a stray cat to lukemia but the vet sent me a warm, sincere simpathy card.  I've always remembered their caring nature.  They have a website and I like the color palette - deep, lucious browns and a wonderful dog's picture taking center stage.  Their signage has been there as long as I can remember and business cards are informational - not graphic.  I could see myself using this company because I love animals.  I could get excited about an update to their branding.

This is one of my favorite Japanese restaurants in Conyers.  They have the habachi style dining but I love the sushi and plum wine in the other dining room.  I felt like doing an upscale Asian design would be fun and challenging.  Not sure if they are a franchise.  I think an fun specialty item would be a menu but I'm a little concerned about coming up with something new in the Asian style.  Would be a challenge.

I discovered this museum when I had an assignment to visit sculpture in 3D class.  They have a medieval Mary sculpture garden.  I was not able to arrange a visit on my time schedule but it always stuck with me.  After looking at their website, I was impressed with the amount of information and the passion about art. I had spoken with the Director earlier and felt she would be available and open to the project. 

As of January 14, my top two choices were the Honey Creek Vet and the Madison Museum of Fine Art.

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