Friday, February 26, 2010

More versions

Working with the repeat pattern letterhead.  Suggestion to remove the "M"s and just try the blocks.  Still working with block size. 

You know I've got to work on the scroll pattern letterhead.  I think these are much better scrolls and I want to have a pattern on the back.  Working to tone it down and not have so many scrolls. 

What do you think? Which do you like better? 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Various Business cards

Putting the business cards together.  I'm still working with details and many of them are interchangable.  Just need to figure out which ones are the most cohesive once the letterhead is chosen. The last one in the bottom right corner is printed in ivory on white - it's very subtle but I don't like it with the other lettering.

Second version of repeating logo stationary

During the critique the Saks Fifth Avenue redesign was mentioned.  I've been playing with that type blocking for my repeated pattern stationary.  Not sure about it.

Playing with patterns letterhead

Playing with patterns - was trying for an organic renaissance feel - although I like them, I'm not getting art museum from these patterns.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

1st draft - Full sets

I played with the logo on the left stacked and didn't like it as well.  Also played with a more random blocking and didn't like it as well.

Of course, I have to include a scroll pattern. I like the back being a different color.  When you put the folded letterhead into the stationary it makes a beautiful image to put into the envelope.  Reflected the pattern on the envelope flap - I like it. 

I changed the frame to surround the logo - I like it much better than I had it originally - to the side and bottom.

Just love the fossil - it looks better on the monitor than it's printing out.  To really get the brilliant color I think I need really brilliant white paper.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Playing with logo and Stationary

For the first letterhead I'm working with the fossil photo from the ammonite exhibit at the museum - it's the image I clipped for the "M" in the logo.  Can't see the address information but it's along the bottom of the 

For the next letterhead I'm playing with a repeated inverse pattern of the "M".  I can't decide whether to put it along the bottom of the letter or stacked along the side.  We'll see.

Wanted a simple scrolling at the left top of the letterhead. Then I put the logo and address at the bottom.  This is my least favorite - had the idea that the back page would have a scroll pattern in either a different color (brownish gray with ivory scrolling) or a very, very subtle ivory scrolling that is a slight difference in color.  Like a watermark. 

I wanted to do a background pattern with the logo.  My inspiration was an envelope from Sam Flax that looked very 1700s.  This is not looking like that at all.  Still working on it - want it to feel organic.

This one is the outline of a frame.  I tried for simple lines but think it's not quite there. 

One other design was to use a watermark on the stationary.  The JPEG is showing the area outside the letterhead where I played with the swirls in the "M" - it's not showing the watermark because it's so light.  Didn't look too good so I stopped.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Love these ad concepts

Just love the concept for this ad - very innovative.  However, the company is on the back - Unless you turn the page - which they figure you probably want to do - you don't know it's an ad for a GMC SUV. I definitely got the message that ideas are sexy too.  Einstein never looked so good.

IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM . . . . . . . . YET.
Can't see it very well but the world is created by using the type repeatedly "it's not my problem".  Love the way they used the type to form the world and the large green "...yet." Perfect for the Nature Conservancy. I got the message that it's a world issue and that the clock is ticking.

Final Logo (but probably not finished)

Decided to clip the "M" with some type of paint or watercolor for subtle textures that would give the letter a painterly essence.  I worked with paint, watercolor (got it everywhere) but just didn't like the look it gave when I clipped it. Since I had decided on the color pallet with a brilliant red coloring, I thought of using the ammonite fossil that is a favorite exhibit of the museum.  The fossil is the most brilliant golden, red color and I thought it would make the "M" feel alive.  It gives the red a veining and touch of golden color. I really like the color pallet - I used charcoal, ivory, brownish gray and a pop of strong red.  I then used grayscale with the black and white logo to add some interest.But I'm still not quite satisfied with the logo - I feel like it will be tweaked before I'm through.

Inspiration board

Looking for inspiration in magazines - color combinations, type, swirls, shapes, images, etc. 

Monday, February 8, 2010

Still working

Felt like it needed something but I have to refrain from adding too much - I like the juxtaposition of the hard straight lines of the partial frame with the curves of the letter "M".  I also like the negative space the frame sets up in the left corner.

Playing with watercolor - looks very different in color - I think it would give me lots of options when I add color.  The stroke does resemble a path (one of the director's thoughts).

I've been playing with brush strokes - at first I added an artist brush but it didn't work - I want it to look like a brush stroke without taking away from the curves of the letter.  Still playing with it - harder to control than I thought.

Logos Around the Neighborhood

Looking around the neighborhood for signage and use of color, typography, symbols, etc.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Down to 3 sketches

Love the simplicity and curves of the "M" (used script from Bickham Script and old world text of Baskerville Old Face from the 1700's). The class liked this one the most and I want to continue playing with it to see if I can add an "Intimate" feeling without losing the sophistication.  The museum is definitely changing the name from Madison Museum.  If they keep a name starting with an "M" this would still work.  If not, I would be able to incorporate another letter I believe. I am working with this logo for the next class. 

I wanted to show one logo with a piece of artwork integrated into the name.  Since I know the museum is changing the name from Madison, I would have to rework the sculpture into another letter.  I liked this representation because one of the popular pieces from the permanent collection (and represented on the home page of the website) is a vase by Marguerite Wildenhain (1st of only 7 ceramic students at Bauhaus and the 1st woman) on solid black platform.  Class said it looked out of scale and I am worried that the vase would not scale to a smaller version and still be recognizable.

I like the cathedral outer shape of this logo - suggesting the spiritual aspects of the museum.  I love the concept of a doorway (the director liked the idea of journey or path).  I think an open door fits nicely into that idea.  However, this door looks like Cinderella would come through it.  One aspect I do like about this concept is that it could translate into a gate and be used for the Medieval Mary Garden.  I'm working on the door's shape and overall look for next class since I really like the concept.  One of my favorite sayings is to follow your bliss and doors will open.  I love doorways.

Starting to sketch

These aren't very clear - I went over many with ink but ugh! I just don't like any of them except maybe the doorway.  Just don't think they are sophisticated enough.