Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Vision Board 2022

It's a new year - 2022. I decided a long time ago - I don't do New Year's resolutions.  For some reason, for me, I feel resolutions are about "fixing" something and they have a negative connotation.  My list always included diet and exercise. Of course, I never lost weight or exercised more. And having it on my list and never making any progress made me feel like a failure. 

For that reason I changed my new year rituals. My birthday is at the first of the year and I set aside that day to think, reflect and ponder goals.  I have a glass of wine, sit in my favorite chair and light my scented candle. 

Several years ago I came up with the plan to have a goal for every year to coincide with my age.  I finally realized that number was growing and becoming difficult to achieve.  I had a list of 45, then 50 then 55 - whoa - let's not make that list so large.  

I then decided I would do a vision board every year with only 12 items (one per month).  I felt that was more doable and still gave me challenging goals to reach.  I did later add 2 items per month - 1 general goal and 1 creative goal. For the creative goal I have to create something. Duh. This year on the list is a resin painting, a antique jewelry Christmas tree and a homemade ornament. 

I do not put any pressure on myself.  If I come to the end of the year and haven't accomplished the goal - I reassess.  If I don't want to do it anymore - it comes off the list.  Simple as that. If I still want to challenge myself with that item - I leave it on the vision board. 

I only have one rule.  Everything on my vision board must make me smile.  

Here's my vision board for 2022.

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