Liked the roadside sign and the "T", very "bright".
Interesting use of typography - would you let them fix your computer?
Wonderful mural in Griffin, GA.
Thought the typography was a good choice for a Golf and Country Club. (love the heron in the 'b').
Some people love typography - even on their cars.(rush hour traffic - that's why it's blurry).
Walked a labyrinth - I am fascinated by them and their history - that's why I chose the noun labyrinth for my 2nd project.
Tree of Life at the DeKalb Medical Wellness Center. Each leaf lists the name of a sponsor.
Another Barnes & Noble store - cool display.
I liked how the car window framed the Plaza Theater sign. (raining again).
The age of digital - thought this was interesting - dynamic typography.
One of my favorite movies - like the poster too.